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Meetings 2021

January 20th (Zoom)

March 17th (Zoom)

May 6th Annual Meeting (Zoom)

May 19th Plus AGM - Puck's Oak Barn

June 8th - Extraordinary Meeting Barn

July 21st - Puck's Oak Barn

September 15th - Puck's Oak Barn

November 17th - Puck's Oak Barn

Meetings will be held remotely until 7th May, after which they will be held at Puck's Oak barn. Please contact the Clerk to the Parish Council in advance of a zoom meeting if you wish to attend and an invitation will be emailed to you. Questions by members of the public should be sent in advance and will be discussed before the meeting commences (usually between 7.00pm and 7.15pm). 

Unless otherwise notified, Parish Council meetings are held at Puck's Oak Barn, which is opposite 'Rustic Antiques' (close to the Old Harrow). Meetings are on the third Wednesday every other month, commencing January.


Meetings start at 7.00pm and we aim to finish by 9.30pm however the length of meetings can vary depending upon the number of items on the agenda.


The agenda for each meeting is published at least 3 days in advance of each meeting and is available for anyone wishing to attend.


Members of the public are very welcome and a maximum of ten minutes is allocated before each meeting commences to note public comments. For a considered opinion, matters raised should be submitted to the Clerk a few days before the meeting.

Added 17.37 - 9th June 2021

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