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  • View council tax accounts and bills online

  • Check your bin collection day

  • Report common problems

  • Apply for or renew a garden waste subscription


Other services are available and more will be added soon.

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Casual Vacancy

Council vacancy Dec.png

The Hive

I know that many of you are aware of the amazing work being done by Cllr Julia McShane and our Community Wellbeing Team to support residents throughout the pandemic and that you are keen to support their work in your own wards and communities.


Although due to the second lockdown we have had to temporarily stop accepting appointments to Thrive at the Hive we are still able to support residents across the borough.


We are continuing to help those who need items and are putting bundles and packs together on request. All packs will be delivered to the referral address to adhere to government guidelines and support our residents in staying home and being safe. If you know any individuals/families you're working with that could benefit from baby clothes/ kids clothes/adults clothes/homeware/towels/bedding/toys please do get in touch!


Email the team at and please provide details of what you would like included in the pack along with any sizes/ages for clothes and shoes. Please specify any personal preferences e.g. toys - cars or barbie's.


You can also keep up with the work of the Guildford Community Wellbeing Team by liking their Facebook page and by signing up to receive their newsletter.


Thank you for your help in ensuring that all our residents are aware of the support available to them because we believe that every person matters!

GBC - Changes

By July 2020, the number of councillors representing the ever-growing number of Parties had changed.

This started when the representative for the Green Party moved to R4GV

Sadly the GGG Councillor for Send, Patrick Sheard, died, and the Conservative Party split, with 4 staying with the Party and 4 starting a Conservative Independent Party whilst one became Independent.


As the country is still finding its feet following the Covid 19 pandemic, the vacant seat at Send remains vacant and the councillor split is now


Lib Dem 17, R4GV 16, Cons 4 Cons Ind 4 GGG 3 Lab 2 Ind 1






Looking for great walks in Surrey? This site will provide you with free maps and links to walking clubs and other information that you will hopefully find useful.


Surrey Walking Clubs

Judicial Review

Having seen the impact that Guildford's Local Plan would have on Guildford and nearby villages, including Compton, residents voted to request that Compton Parish Council should 'do whatever it takes' to challenge the Local Plan.


November 2019 - The High Court in London hears the case put forward by Compton Parish Council, Ockham Parish Council and Mr Jules Cranwell. The crux of the case being that 'Exceptional Circumstances' had not been given, neither were they justified as GBC planned to build 70% of its Plan on Greenbelt land and had a 40% buffer, this being 15% above the maximum buffer given in the NPPF. GBC's barrister conceded that the circumstances in themselves might not be deemed 'exceptional' but that there were a number of non-exceptional circumstances, which, put together became 'exceptional'. Verdict - The Judge agreed with GBC


Compton's barrister argued that the route into the new Blackwell Farm housing estate would go through AONB and that this went against the NPPF as it constitutes 'Major Development' which is not permitted.

Verdict - The judge left it to the Local Authority to determine what constitutes 'Major Development'.


Having supported the will of parishioners to challenge the inclusion of Blackwell Farm in the Local Plan, Compton Parish Council feels that it has taken the matter as far as it can and will not appeal. Ockham Parish Council had its request for appeal refused. The Local Plan will now proceed unabated


May 2019 -  GBC Elections resulted in Liberal Democrats gaining 17 seats, a new party called Residents For Guildford Town and Villages (R4GV) gaining 15 seats, Conservatives 9 seats, Guildford Greenbelt Group (GGG) 4 seats, Labour party 2 seats and The Green Party 1 seat.


Shalford seats went to Compton resident, Ramsey Nagaty (GGG) and Chris Blow from Shalford (R4GV).

Despite strong objection from the majority of those taking part in the Local Plan Consultation, the Plan was approved by GBC a few days before the Borough Council Election (during purdah)

Mayor's Award - Chris Sharples

In April 2019, Cllr, Chris Sharples' work for the village was recognised by GBC and he was given the Mayor's Award for services to the community. The Mayor received a large number of recommendations by residents who listed the following as reasons why Chris should be given the award - Work on the War Memorial, an active member of the cemetery committee, planting bulbs at various locations in the village, impromptu donations of bunches of flowers, taking responsibility for and seeing through the installation of a village sign, organising work to maintain The Common and pond on Withies Lane and of course making Compton's phone box the most famous in Surrey (and possibly the UK)! What was said time and time again was that he does all this without seeking recognition.


Well done Chris, well deserved

After the decommissioning of the telephone box by BT, Compton residents wondered what to do with it. It was agreed that it should remain where it was as it was part of the village scene, but sadly it was rusty and the glass was either broken or replaced by plastic.


An anonymous benefactor assisted the Parish Council in covering the costs of repairing the box and Cllr Chris Sharples and another anonymous helper went about restoring the box.


Its central position made it a great place to advertise the village's support for the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. This was followed by Armistice Day when it stood as a prominent act of remembrance.


Later it sported a gold cup for the World Cup and latterly it bore a kilt and matching headwear for Burns Night and beautiful Chinese Lanterns for the Chinese New Year. It even replaced the Chelsea Flower Show when the real show was cancelled because of the COVID pandemic.


Compton residents love the various incarnations and Cllr Chris Sharples will hopefully go onto surprise us with future transformations, which not only entertain residents but also bring a smile to the users of the B3000

Charity Walk by Clerk to Compton Parish Council

When not working as our Parish Clerk, Joanna Cadman is also the Chairman of The Royal Society of St George. To commemorate the 100 year anniversary of the signing of the Armistice on 11th November 1918, Joanna walked 100 miles from Sandwich in Kent to Newhaven in East Sussex along with 87-year-old veteran fundraiser, Jeffrey Long. Joanna wore or carried her grandfather's medals from WW1 throughout the walk and hope to raise £5,000. To donate go to

Compton PC - Independent Landscape Report - Local Plan Consultation

The consultation took place to invite comments on the changes made to the regulation 19 Local Plan consultation in July 2016. Whilst supportive of some policies, Compton PC objected to proposals that would have an adverse impact on the quality of life of residents.


July 2017 - Compton Parish Council's submission was produced by Green Balance.

Purchase of the Telephone Box

Residents were invited to comment on the removal of the red telephone box at the heart of the village as it was amongst a large number being decommissioned by BT. Compton Parish Council objected to the removal as did several residents and this was supported by Guildford Borough Council.


January 2017 - GBC does not support the removal of the BT Telephone Box in Compton

Mayoral Referendum

On Thursday 13th October a referendum was held to see whether Guildford's residents wished to continue with the current strong leadership/executive management or have a change in constitution and vote for a Mayor.

All political parties - Conservative, Liberal Democrats, Guildford Greenbelt Group and Labour strongly opposed the campaign, also known as 'the Real Voice', which was set up by ex-councillor, Monika Juneja and backed by ex-leader of GBC, Stephen Mansbridge and Guildford businessman Michael Harper.


Results 20,639 AGAINST V  4,948 FOR  |  Date 14.10.16

2016 Local Plan Consultation

Compton Parish Council was unable to support a regulation 19 consultation as a number of major changes had been made to the regulation 18 endeavours without opportunity for meaningful consultation. We have doubts as to whether some of the proposals are in line with the NPPF and a number of independent evidence base documents give rise to serious questions over the impartiality of overriding factors, such as housing need and the impact on infrastructure, environment and landscape.


Parish Council response to the regulation 19 consultation |  July 2016

No. 46 Bus Route

Compton Parish Council objected to the amalgamation of the 46 bus with the 72 which would have resulted in the loss of public transport in Compton village. The campaign to save the 46 (which had been successfully challenged a few years previously by the Traffic Committee) was strongly supported by Watts Gallery.


2016 - the 46 bus route via Compton is once again saved

2014 Local Plan Consultation

Guildford Borough Council issued a summary of the responses received in the 2014 Strategy & Sites consultation. Approximately 20,000 responses were received by 7,000 people, many of which were highly critical of the level of growth an the impact it would have on the town and surrounding villages. Concerns were expressed about the impact on infrastructure and services in particular.  


GBC Summary of responses |  December 2014

Local Plan Consultation - Issues & Options 

The current Local Plan was adopted in 2003. New legislation (Localism Act) was introduced in 2011. which means local plans should be decided at local level. This essentially means at borough and county level, with input from the local communities. The process should be open, transparent and accountable. To date there have been 3 consultations.


Fiona Curtis response - Issues & Options ONE  TWO   THREE  |  November 2013      

Parish Council response - Local Plan Reg 18 Strategy & Sites   |  September 2014   PLUS

Parish Council response - Local Plan Reg 19 Strategy & Sites   |  July 2016

Judicial Review
GBC 2020
Mayor's Award
telephone box
Charity Walk
Independent Landscape Report
2016 Consultation
Bus Route
2014 Consultation
2014 Town Centre
Issues & Options
The Hive

2014 Local Plan Town Centre

Compton Parish Council supports the need for development of the borough where strong evidence exists supporting local need. There are very real concerns over the impact that large-scale development will have on our roads, infrastructure and services and on our landscape. It is widely accepted that the road network in and around Guildford town is inadequate and reducing the options within the town centre cannot fail but to increase problems in surrounding villages.


Parish Council response to Town Centre Master Plan |  July 2014

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